Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning (GTDAML2021)
July 30 - August 1, 2021

Welcome! We are pleased to announce that the Second Graduate Student Conference: Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning (GTDAML2021) will be held online from July 30 to August 1, 2021.
The goal of the conference is to bring together graduate students to share their work, interests, and presence in the flourishing research landscape connecting applications of Geometry and Topology to Data Analysis and Machine Learning. We aim to enhance discussion and collaboration via poster sessions, short presentations, and discussion panels. This is the second edition of the graduate student conference that was first held at OSU in 2019 (

Students may apply to give a 20 minute talk (through Zoom) or a poster presentation (through Talks and posters do not have to be about the participants’ own research, and expository talks are also very welcome. Students are encouraged to apply to give a talk, but if a talk cannot be scheduled due to time limitations, students are invited to present a poster instead. We are expecting to schedule around 20 talks in total.
The program will include a special lecture by Professor Deanna Needell from the Department of Mathematics at UCLA.
In addition, we will have a discussion panel on industry and research. Some of our confirmed panelists include:
Professor Lorin Crawford (Microsoft Research and Brown University), Professor Marco Cuturi (Google Brain and CREST - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), Melissa McGuirl (PhD Brown, Spotify), and Jesse Zhang (PhD Stanford, Co-Founder at Beacons).
Organizing Committee
Samir Chowdhury (Stanford)
Nicolás García Trillos (UW-Madison)
Facundo Mémoli (OSU)
Thomas Needham (FSU)
José Perea (MSU)
Érika Roldán (TU Munich and EPFL)
Support for this conference is provided by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
REGISTRATION is now closed. If you registered on time, please remember that you should also arrange for a short letter of support from your advisor or a researcher familiar with your work and/or interests to be sent to Your letter of support should be received by June 21 at 11:59 pm EDT. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance of their talks/posters by July 2.