Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning (GTDAML2023)
Northeastern University
Boston, MA.
June 8 - June 10, 2023
Welcome! We are pleased to announce that the Third Graduate Student Conference: Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning (GTDAML2023) will be held at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, from June 8 to June 10, 2023.
The goal of the conference is to bring together graduate students to share their work, interests, and presence in the flourishing research landscape connecting applications of Geometry and Topology to Data Analysis and Machine Learning. We aim to enhance discussion and collaboration via poster sessions, short presentations, and discussion panels. This is the third edition of the graduate student conference that was first held at The Ohio State University in 2019 ( and was subsequently held online in 2021 (

Students may apply to give a 20-25 minute talk or a poster presentation. Talks and posters do not have to be about the participants’ own research, and expository talks are also very welcome. Students are encouraged to apply to give a talk, but if a talk cannot be scheduled due to time limitations, students are invited to present a poster instead. We are expecting to schedule around 15-20 talks in total.
The program will include a special lecture by Professor Justin Solomon from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT (
Organizing Committee
Nicolás García Trillos (UW-Madison)
Facundo Mémoli (OSU)
José Perea (Northeastern University)
Useful Information and Schedule
Here you can find all relevant information about GTDAML 2023, including the schedule of talks: